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Small actions

Small actions that help California condors

California condor in habitat with wings spread

California condors play a critical ecological role as scavengers, but their feeding habits leave them vulnerable to man-made threats. When scavengers eat the remains of an animal shot with lead ammunition, lead can enter their bloodstream, causing potential long-term suffering and eventually, death. Condors will also eat plastic, glass and other trash, likely in an attempt to gather enough bone fragments to feed their chicks. This "micro-trash" can prove fatal when it accumulates in a chicks' digestive tract.

How you can help

  1. Use lead-free ammunition

    A close-up of a pair of hands examining copper bullets in a rifle magazine.

    Shooting with non-lead ammunition such as copper helps prevent lead poisoning in wildlife. When birds and mammals eat the remains of an animal shot with lead ammunition, lead can enter their bloodstream, causing potential long-term suffering and eventually, death. Studies have shown a decrease in lead-poisoned wildlife in regions where hunters voluntarily switched to a lead alternative.

  2. Never leave home without reusable bags

    A mother, daughter and son carry groceries in reusable bags.

    Keeping reusable bags handy in your car, purse or near your front door helps reduce your need for disposable plastic bags. Even when they're reused, many plastic bags eventually enter the environment, where they break down into toxic microscopic fragments that can contaminate soil, water and cause harm to wildlife.

  3. Donate to the Oregon Zoo Foundation

    Adult female checkerspot butterfly in the Butterfly Lab.

    Donate now and make a world of difference for wildlife!